November 06, 2005


Math is an art. Just like music it has much gracefulness. It is not boring because to do any job, math is required. Math traps us. It cannot be escaped. That is why we should learn math to see it.
When most people think of math, they think of 1+1. That is normal, but it is not everything to math. These above words are, I believe true. Everyone thinks they can escape it but it is not true.

While you think about this, here is a math problem:
Bob used a jump rope. He cut 1/2 of it off. The next morning, 1/16 had vanished. He decided to take another rope that was equal in size to the current rope. He cut 1/4 off to tie on to the first rope. His sister added 2/16 on. How much of the original rope was there? Express answer as a fraction. To answer, post a comment for this message.
(Answer next post.)


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